SouthSide Partnership is a group of Daycare Providers in Pinellas County (St.Petersburg), Florida, sharing ideas, procedures, and forms to help you successfully run your Daycare business. We also make a contract for your business. We want to share with you the ups and downs of being a child care provider. If we support each other in our businesses, we can all be stronger business people.
Since March 2020, when Covid19 hit Florida and everything went crazy, the whole system shut down, we didn't know what was going to happen next.
That is when ELC took charge and paid us for children that we had on our roster, but not in our care. I personally appreciated all that they did for us, because many
of our Providers wouldn't have been able to make it, if it wasn't for the generosity of ELC. Also the many Grants that they offer us, was very much appreciated. So the
next time you have the opportunity to, tell ELC how much you appreciate what they have done for you. Thank You Early Learning Coalition for making it possible for us to survive.
SouthSide wants to be your Walmart for your daycare needs - one stop to get everything you need. The better we are the better our business will be.